The Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority ("ABC") offenses are vast and are charged as criminal or administrative (civil). A criminal penalty will subject you to potential jail time, fines, loss of privileges and a criminal record. An administrative penalty may carry fines, loss of license, loss of privileges and penalties other than jail. While most ABC violations are misdemeanors, there are some that carry felony consequences (for example, Virginia Code Section 4.1-300, making it illegal to manufacture alcohol; it is a Class 6 Felony).
Some Alcohol and ABC matters include:
Underage Possession of Alcohol (Va. Code Section 4.1-305)
Serving Alcohol to Minors
Possession of Alcohol by and Interdicted Person
Interdicted Person Petitions by the Commonwealth Attorney
Failure to have the appropriate license
Illegal Importation or Shipment of Alcohol
Illegal Advertising
Maintaining Common Nuisances (Va. Code Section 4.1-317)
To discuss an investigation or charge for an alcohol or ABC charge in Virginia, call Brian M. Latuga, Esq. at (757) 687-3657, or submit your contact information here, and request a free, confidential consultation with a knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorney.